Frequently Asked Questions

How to set up 2-Step Verification (2FA)?

We highly recommend adding 2-Step Verification, also referred to as 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), to your account. It is an additional layer of protection, which is especially relevant in the context of online trading.

Here’s how you can do it:
1) Click on the Settings and Security.
2) Choose 2-Step Verification.
3) Download and activate the Google Authenticator app.
4) Use the app to scan a QR code on our website.
5) Tap to add the account on the app.

Once the account is added, you get a validation code that you can use every time you log in on our website.

We also recommend adding a backup code. It will come in handy in case your device is lost, stolen or broken. Keep the code in a secure spot you won’t forget.